Thursday, 22 January 2015

Please send summary - deadline: 23rd January - and other news for the workshop

From: Anna Hodgson
Sent: 15 January 2015 14:43
Cc: Catherine Montgomery (; Juan Manuel Fernández Cárdenas (; Sandra Gudiño (
Subject: FW: email to BC Mexico participants

Message sent on behalf of Dr Catherine Montgomery, University of Hull and  Dr Juan Manuel Fernández-Cárdenas, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Dear all,
We are delighted that you will be joining us on the British Council Researcher Links: Educational Dialogue and transformative learning in STEM subjects in Mexico and the UK. We hope that your travel plans are underway and that you are all looking forward to the week which we believe will be stimulating, fruitful and enjoyable! We have a very impressive group of 15 Mexico-based researchers and 15 UK-based researchers coming together with two UK-based mentors/senior researchers and three Mexico-based mentors/senior researchers. 

On the Mexican side our mentors are Dr Rebeca Mejia Aruaz (ITESO), Dr Manuel Flores (Tecnológico de Monterrey) and Dr Lupita Rodriguez (UANL). Our UK mentors are Dr Sara Hennesy from the University of Cambridge and Professor Rupert Wegerif from Exeter University. Dr Manuel Fernandez and I are the workshop coordinators and will also act as mentors/senior researchers on the project.

We would like to begin to get to know you and for you to know each other a little in advance of the week’s workshop. To this end we are going to begin by asking you to write a brief 500 word summary of your research interests and the way that you see your research relating to the focus of the workshop. You could include three or four key references so that we can see where your work is located in the field. In addition to this we would like to set up an online group so that you can upload a profile and interact in advance of the workshop. We intend to achieve the online group using a combination of Ning and ResearchGate. More on this later!

In the meantime we would like you to send us your 500 word summaries by Friday 23 January at the latest. Please send these to Anna Hodgson our project administrator ( ).

We will be back in touch very soon with some more information about the programme for the week. In the meantime if you have any questions about travel or accommodation please get in touch with Anna Hodgson or Sandra Gudiño  

With best wishes

Catherine and Manuel

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